Wednesday, June 8, 2011

this is one funny movie.

Our first shoot next week (on June 14th) is one of my favorite scenes in the entire script. It also just so happens to be the one year anniversary of our starting Blaming George Romero. A year since we started BGR! Just think... By the time Tuesday rolls around, we will already be 10 days into filming (provided all goes as planned).

I have seen the footage that we have shot over the last 8 days of filming, and it is good... It is damn good... And funny! I will tell you, there is nothing like working on a comedy. I love drama, don't get me wrong, but something about comedy is just so much sweeter. So much more fun. And so much more relaxed. There is nothing quite like being on set and just creating comedy with actors who are extraordinary at what they are doing. It makes the whole experience of film making that much better. Laughing between takes, even breaking during a take. It hasn't happened too often, but when it does it is hilarious. And it just feels good. 

What would feel even better, is if we reached our indiegogo goal. Donations have slowed a bit, but we have not. Please help us out, and give what you can. If you've given already, then please share this blog... our facebook... this movie! Share it with everyone you know. Free hugs for anyone who donates!

That's it for today. Below are some pictures from the last two days of shooting. We have a wee break for today and tomorrow. Weather permitting, we resume shooting on Friday.

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare

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