Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years & Screenings & DVD's... Oh my!

Happy New Year, Red Scare fans!!! 2012 is here, and with it, the first public screening of Red Scare! In just 8 days, people will have their first look at what my amazing team and I have been working on since last March. 

There are still some tickets left, so if you need to purchase them, they are $20/ticket and (as a reminder) a portion of ticket sales will be donated to the Simpson-Baber Foundation for the Autistic. 

Some more information about the event. It will begin at 7pm with an introduction by myself and the director of Red Scare, William Dautrick Jr. Please arrive early to secure your seats and purchase any refreshments that you might wish to purchase. The first guests to line up will receive a poster and autographed promotional picture for the movie (while supplies last).

At the screening, there will be a raffle for movie memorabilia. The way this will work is you will be given an envelope. You can put in it anywhere from $1 up as a donation to the movie to help us enter film festivals. After the screening the winning envelopes will be randomly selected and the winners will receive one of the random items that we will have up for the raffle.

In addition, DVD copies of the movie (with deleted scenes and a blooper reel) will be available for $25/copy after the screening. Big thanks to Greg Colletti of Triple Ace Productions for working so hard to make the copies in time for the screening. I can't recommend that company enough if you have DVD reproduction needs. 

I am happy to announce that the following trailers will play prior to the movie: 
Mating Dome directed by John Trigonis
Triple Play directed by Mike Castro
Dead Eye directed by Louis Affortunato
Dr. Pegg directed by Blake Zawadzki
Loster directed by Sam Platizky

Hopefully, we will also have the world premiere of the horror short, Dark Wings, directed by Joey Mosca. However, Joey put Dark Wings on hold and has spent the last two months or so finishing sound and recording, mixing, and getting all the music ready for Red Scare. So, while I appreciate that immensely, if the short is not ready to be screened it will be completely Red Scare's and my fault. I will post an update once I know definitively whether or not it will screen.

If you are looking for somewhere to eat in the area before or after the screening, in the same shopping center as the movie theatre there is: 

Houlihans (171 Lefante Way)
Subway (207 Lefante Way) 
Wendy's (181 Lefante Way)
Dunkin Donuts (171 Lefante Way)

Additionally, just a few minutes away in a different shopping center on the same road, there are: 

TGI Friday's (50 Bayonne Crossing Way)
Longhorn Steakhouse (907 Bayonne Crossing Way)
Panda Express (207 Bayonne Crossing Way) 
5 Guys Burgers & Fries (301 Bayonne Crossing Way) 
Sonic (100 Bayonne Crossing Way)  

Similarly, close by is the bar and restaurant where we had the Red Scare wrap party, and both food and drinks were delicious: 

Hendrickson's (671 Broadway)

I am very excited about this screening. I don't know if I have ever been as proud about something I have worked on. I have watched the film MANY times in all its different stages and I am still laughing throughout. I can't wait to be able to share that with a large group of people who don't know what they're in for. 

If you have any questions about the screening, or wish to purchase additional tickets please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare

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