Okay. So, it all started with "Blaming George Romero." But it almost didn't. If you've seen "Blaming George Romero," you will notice that there is a B&W movie that plays in the bar and it only has two characters: Rex & Veronica. In the first draft, there was no such scene. The scene in the bar played out much different, and the bartender even had lines! (Sorry, Spanky!) But as the script developed, an idea came about... What if when they are in the bar, a 1950's zombie movie is playing in the bar and what is happening in the scene directly parallels some of the events of BGR? At first, Rex & Veronica were supposed to be played by two different actors and then at the very end, my character would see them as himself and Vanessa (Christina Garced). That was the plan. We were all set to film that way, but something was nagging me, and I decided that Christina & I would play the characters throughout. There was something funny to me about my character being the only one to notice that the people on screen looked familiar. But still, I needed to disguise my character as much as I could; hence the eyepatch and fake mustache. So, we shot the scene, and it was great.
Then, my brother, Isaac said: We should create a trailer for that movie. A fake trailer where everyone from BGR played a different character. The idea sounded fun, and it was something we all wanted to do, but BGR took precedence.
Then, as we reached December and we had a first cut of BGR, I began reaching out to the crew to see how they'd feel about filming the trailer and putting it in front of BGR for the screening. Everyone was on board. I asked for suggestions from people, and the one suggestion that probably focused the trailer was from our Sound Guy, Joey Mosca. He said something like, "Well, it's set in the 1950's... It needs to have Communists." And then I went to work on the scenes we would shoot for the trailer. Yadda, yadda, yadda. We film the trailer, we have lots of fun, some of us freeze, Isaac falls in the snow. A good time is had by all. The trailer is brilliantly edited by Sean Feuer and we put it in front of the BGR screening. Somewhere between the first day and the second day of filming, I decided to call the movie Red Scare, for obvious reasons.
And now, here we are. Auditions held, a full cast created, and an indiegogo pitch video filmed. We have raised a good amount of money. We need quite a bit more, though, so again. Help us out where you can.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare
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