We are picking up the pace with Red Scare. We have not one, but 2 cameras ready to shoot, all our sound gear (plus master of sound), and our lighting gear. This is a big step forward from our one camera on BGR; I always wanted more but we couldn't afford it. Fortunately, our DP has the same camera that we will be using, so that makes two. Plus, on BGR, we didn't meet our sound guy until the first day of shooting. This time, we've known him for a year already! We even have a costume girl, a prop mistress, and location scouts!
So, all of that is great. We have an amazing cast, and we are having our first read through next Tuesday. We still need funding though, so please give what you can to www.indiegogo.com/red-scare. It is a really good cause, and I promise you that we could use every bit of help we can get. Also, if you donate $500 + before next Monday (May 9th), you will be invited to the table read to hear the hilarious script read aloud for the first time!
That is all for now. Below you will find the pictures we took at our photo shoot awhile back. Pictures are courtesy of Deirdre Hughes, who also designed our poster!
Stay Tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare

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