So, if you look at our most recent blogs, you will see the amazing cast that we have put together. It really is an incredible cast. I was always so impressed with our BGR cast, (which was an awesome group) but now we have that plus a fresh, new batch of insanely talented people. I am very excited to work with them all.
Our first, and probably only, read thru of the script will take place on Tuesday, May 10th at 7pm. I am really looking forward to hearing my words come to life for the first time.
As of today, we have raised an astounding $1,140! That is huge. I can't remember how long it took BGR to break $1,000, but I know it was longer than 2 weeks. We still have a way to go, though. To that end, yesterday it occurred to me to start offering additional prizes for donating large amounts. So, I put on our facebook page: If you donate $500 or more, you will be invited to attend the table read on May 10th. That's a pretty cool perk, I think. It is the first, and only time you will get to see the cast read the script straight through. The next time you'll be able to do this is when the movie is finished! This offer expires on May 9th. So, if you want to see this cast before anyone else, all you have to do is donate $500 or more to a really good cause.
We are getting much closer to the start of this endeavor. I am excited... I am nervous... And I am already losing sleep over whether or not everything will work out. But we are taking many lessons from BGR... and one of the most important is, no matter what happens, in the end it is worth it. In the end, there is a movie to be proud of. And that makes it all worth while.
Below you will see a version of the movie's poster, which I don't think I have posted here, created by the lovely and talented Deirdre Hughes. A final version is on its way.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare

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