You gotta be in it, to win it. The more times you enter, the better your chances to win. I am entering 4 more festivals today. (You can see which ones below.) Fingers crossed, and all of that.
So far, I have only heard back from one festival, and that was Tribeca. And that answer was no. It's not too surprising really. Tribeca is one of the biggest festivals around, and they do fill their plate mainly with films that can only loosely be called independent. For me, independent film makers are those of us who are trying to break into the business with films that cost $10,000-$20,000.... Not star studded movies that are "independent" because they cost under $1,000,000. But it is cool. I do not regret entering any big festival, because I have faith that Red Scare is just as good as many of the things that will screen at those bigger festivals... And I'll be damned if the reason I don't get into a festival is because I didn't enter.
But I digress. 4 more festivals to enter, and more on the horizon. If you would like to see Red Scare before we get into any festivals, you can always have your very own DVD for the minimum donation of $25. Contact me at if you are interested.
That's all for now.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare

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