Aloha! Yesterday I received an email from the Honolulu Film Awards saying that Red Scare had won a Gold Kahuna Award. Apparently, this is a pretty big award that they give. I had to re-read the email several times just to make sure we actually won, but we did.
So, once again, I have to thank everyone who was involved in Red Scare from the most minor of roles to the tops. Everyone who worked crew. Everyone who donated. But especially Bill, Sean, Joey, Tony, Loarina, & Isaac who gave so much of their time, energy, & patience from Day 1 until the Bayonne screening.They were my rocks this summer (and beyond), and there would be no Red Scare without them. Fact. Also big thanks to Dan Granda who came on later than those folks, but whose music is an integral part of the DNA of the movie.
Now, the only negative at all here is that it isn't a film festival so they won't be screening the movie, but... We did win an award, and we will be able to network with other folks in the business, and... Hawaii! The place where Lost was filmed! And other things happened there!
So, that is pretty cool. I had to think about whether or not I wanted to go to accept the award, but after thinking about it and talking to Bill... Life is short. Who knows what other events like this we will be able to attend? I don't want to remember this as the time I could've gone to Hawaii. So, yeah, looks like Bill, Isaac, and I are going to have a Hawaiian adventure.
Ironically, the Award Reception takes place on May 5th. Cinco de Mayo. Last year on Cinco de Mayo, I was at the Bergenfield Film Festival for BGR, and we all remember how that one went =P So, yeah, pretty big step forward.
Here's hoping that the best is yet to come.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare