What a week! What. A. Week. We had three days of shooting this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
On Monday, we shot a longer scene than we usually shoot (Red Scare typically has relatively short scenes). It went really well, all things considered. One of our geographical locators found the place and it was a really nice location. The shoot went smooth, and we got a lot done. It was the first time that I have acted opposite Dan and Loarina in this movie, and that is always fun. I got to slap Loarina, which I have been waiting to do since she slapped me in Blaming George Romero.
On Tuesday, we had the shortest shoot of the week... But it sure didn't feel like it. We shot at a park with little to no shade, so (a) I got sunburnt and (b) Billy appeared close to death by the end of the shoot... Heat exhaustion or some such. He was in a really bad way for awhile... BUT! We got the shoot. We nailed one of our SFX that we were slightly worried about (Bill Farley is a great sport) and in the end Billy is still alive!
On Wednesday, we had one of our more ambitious shoots. It was 10 pages of material, 10 actors, plus crew. 10 pages! That is like a 10th of the script!!!! So, it was one of our longer shoots. It was one of our more stressful shoots too. Tempers flared, it was tense at times... Our chi was off here and there... BUT. And here is the quintessential BUT. It was also one of the most fun days on set. It was hilarious. Whether intentionally or not intentionally, it was a day when the cast really seemed to gel... A day when... I don't want to say we were all trying to make each other laugh, because that would cost us time and HD space... but I think we kind of were. I know I was. There is something so right about just being in a room with like minded people who are all trying to make each other laugh and enjoy themselves. Just one of those days when despite all the shit that is in the world, we can appreciate what we do. And the footage came out great too, so that's always a plus.
So, yeah... A long week, but another really good one. It is such a good movie right now... So funny. And the cast... wait'll you see it. It will blow you away.
Oh, also, sorry to Mitch's face. Some of the slapping was my idea... But a lot of it was Loarina's too... =)
Got some pictures below from the week in shooting. Take a look, maybe go to our indiegogo.com/red-scare page and donate if you feel generous... And now for a nice long break between shoots. We pick up shooting on Tuesday.
Til next time!
Stay tuned,
Actor, Writer, Producer
Red Scare